Friday, 14 November 2008

Abi's 1st Birthday Extravaganza

WEll I simply cannot believe it! An ENTIRE year has gone already. Abi turned one last Friday. She's now a year and a week old! Abi is one. Its OVER a year since Abi was born! Our little baby is ONE! Whichever way I say it, I still find it hard to comprehend, and to be honest it has not really sunk in that Matt and I are the 'proud owners'[j.bridger] of a one year old daughter!

It was also so much more of an emotional experience that I ever thought it would be. All the memories of the year before came flooding back, and they were so vivid, which to someone with as poor a memory as mine was pretty intense! I was able to recall so clearly the feelings of being in the hospital, knowing we were hours away from meeting our little creation. The wonderful feeling of happiness and peace that we were lucky enough to experience throughout the entire birth, all that came flooding back. And as I sat there looking at my beautiful girl playing and laughing my heart felt as though it would burst with the hugeness of it all!

Surely it can't be like this every year I thought, and then voiced to my sister in law....Wrong she said, after seven years she still feels it. Wrong said my mother in law, after THIRTY SEVEN YEARS she still feels it! You know what though? That thought, that I would always remember and always feel the same surge of emotion THAT many years from now, Thats's THE BEST unbirthday present EVER! ;-)

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